About, I guess


Howdy. I'm Eli. I'm 19 and use he/him pronouns. I got bored and decided to make a website. So far everything is confusing but uh. It's fun I guess?

I have a fiancee who I love very much. I like video games and a bunch of other shit. I draw sometimes and write bad fanfiction. Some people reading this might know me from my ao3 lmao

I am wanted in 47 states for public urination. I'm shooting for 50

Nagito Komaeda?

A character from Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. I slapped his name in when making the site thinking it would be taken. It was not and I don't know how to change it, if I even can, so now I'm the proud owner of Nagito Komaeda dot com.

A Fucking Danganronpa Fan?
